Katie & Will both had check up's yesterday, overall it was a good visit, except Will has his first ear infection. He has been fussy for the last few days but I wasn't sure if it was his ears or teething. We had one of the best Dr. visits in a very long time, I like it when there is little or no screaming involved! Both kids were great, especially Katie, I can't brag about her enough. We talked about going to the Dr. the day before & told her how she needed to act like a big girl since she was 3 years old. She sat in the chair for her blood pressure check, & got on the scales with no problem. The Dr. checked her out & everything looked great. After both kids where checked out it was time to give a urine sample, Katie said "mommy, that cup is too little!" I couldn't help but laugh & wonder what she might have been picturing in her mind. The last thing was a finger prick, this is when I thought she might lose it, but she didn't even blink when they stuck her finger & she was so excited about the smiley face the nurse drew on her bandaid. I said to her when we were leaving, "Katie I am so proud of you I think I might cry!" she said, "MOMMY!, don't cry be happy!" Of course after she said that I didn't cry, I laughed. Here are both of their stats.
Katie: 3 years old - 39 lbs. & 40 1/4" (she was off the charts for weight & height)
Will: 6 months old - 17.3 lbs. & 27" (75% height & 50% weight)