Sunday, September 28, 2008

My New Job!!!!


The last two weeks have been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least. I turned in my notice at work & have taken Katelyn out of daycare. Most people say if they had to opportunity to quit work they would hit the door running. I have been sad to leave, but also extremely happy about my new job as a stay at home mom. These are the peopole I have spent the last 8 years of my life with & they are a huge part of my life. I am going to miss them very much & the friendships I have built with each one of them. They have made it hard to leave because they have been telling me how much they are going to miss me for the last two weeks. I know I will go back to visit soon, but I will also miss seeing them everyday.
I feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to stay home with our little girl. I never thought I would get to do this or want to be a full time mom. I am so thankful to have such a supportive husband to make this possible for me. I know in my heart this is the right decision for our family. I am so happy that I will get to be with her everyday & I won't be missing out on everything she does anymore!
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  1. Awww...Rachael! That is so sweet! I know you are so excited to be at home with Katelyn! I wish I could be at home with Dylan, but we just can't afford it. Especially, since we want another one! I am so happy for you! Now you can take pics of her all day long:-)

  2. I think you made the right decision! I would have done the same thing you did with no regret. I know you will enjoy every minute with Katelyn. Nat told me you were going to be staying at home with her and I thought she was going to cry. She said she misses both of you, she said it was not the same without her at daycare. :(

  3. I'm so happy for you! We gotta get your photography business up and going now.

  4. Congratulations Rachael! That is very exciting!
