Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sweet Little Girl!





I can't believe in just 4 short months our baby will be 2!! Katie is 20 months old today & before too long I won't be able to refer to how many months she is anymore. I know it is silly to some people to say how many months old your child it instead of saying she is 1 1/2 or almost 2, but you only get to do it for a short period in their life! Katelyn is trying her best to put whole sentences together & when she does I just amazes me, how 1 year ago she was just learning to crawl & now she is hugging me, giving me a kiss & saying "love you mommy"! She truly is an amazing little girl & I love her more than I ever thought possible.

I took these pictures last night & she has recently become a camera hog. Every time I take a picture of an outfit I finish she stands right next to it & says "cheese mommy", I love it! We decided to play on the floor & I was trying to get her to pose for me & this is what I got. Of course I had to get a picture of her with all of her babies, these things drive me crazy some days, she has to have everyone of them on the couch, in the bed at night, & before she gets out of the bed in the morning. You should see me holding all of them, her blanket, pillow & her every morning! On the way home today I heard her making kissing noises & she was saying "love you baby" I looked back at her & she was kissing her baby doll. She is so sweet & hope she will be like that with her brother or sister one day. (no time soon!)
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