Saturday, October 17, 2009

I love Southern Savers



I have been wanting to do this for a while now & finally did yesterday. A BIG thank you to Kristy for showing me how & for the coupons!!! You can see everything I got & the money I saved on my receipt. We plan on doing it again next week & I'm really excited, who doesn't like to save money!?!

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  1. That is so awesome! Where did you go to get started? I could definetely use the extra savings!!!

  2. WOW!! I have started clipping coupons too. But the most I have saved is like 40.00. I need some advice from you it looks like though!

  3. That's so amazing. I do the same thing at Publix but I've not yet had a bottom line like that. PS. If something rings up wrong, and you catch it later, take receipt back and you get your price refunded totally. :-) I love shopping at's like a game! ;-)

  4. Your welcome, Rachael! I'm so glad I could help. We'll start having our Tuesday night dates until you get going on your own. It's fun! Damon got your papers for you today too!

  5. We need an instructional blog on how to do this!!!!

  6. OMG that is great! You need to give some lessions b/c I sure do need some! How on earth did you do so ggod I never save that much & I always cut coupons??

  7. I am going to have to go to Tuscaloosa to get my deals after this workshop. LOL

  8. So is this a Publix thing only or what is the deal? send me some info?
