Tuesday, March 9, 2010

We're having a BOY!!


We were so excited to find out we were having a baby boy yesterday. Brad & I both thought we were going to have another girl & we pretty suprised to find out that it was a boy. Katelyn wasn't too sure about the whole ultrasound experience & she cried a little & was fine after her daddy took her out of the room. She was so cute calling her grandparents to tell them she was going to have a little brother. Before we left the hospital she said "mommy let's go get brother", I guess she thought they would tell us what we were getting & then we would get to go pick it up.

I tried to scan the pictures they gave me from the ultrasound but something is wrong with my scanner & as soon as I figure it out I will post them. Here is my first belly shot of this pregnancy I am 17 weeks & 4 days in this picture.

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  1. YEAH!!! I am so excited too and so is Tate! Congratulations again and I can't wait to hear the name you pick out for him!

  2. You're so stinkin' cute.....Love the belly!!! Miss you and congrats again!

  3. That's awesome! Boys are great! If you need any boy stuff, I never parted with much of mine!

  4. you look great, gotta get you my preggo cloths, and start packing newborn cloths when little man out-grows them

  5. Congrats! Crystal told me the news Tuesday, but I didn't want o say anything until you posted it.

  6. Congrats!!! I am so excited for you! You look sooo good!!!
