Tuesday, February 5, 2008

My Little Baby Doll

Katelyn got all dressed up to got the baby tea for Lynn & John Thomas. She looked like a little baby doll & was sooooo cute! I need to get more dresses like these to dress her up in because I had so much fun doing it. I love having a little girl!


  1. She did look so cute! I will have to come over and play dress up with you one day.

  2. she did look so pretty! it was fun to play dress up with the boys when they were itty bitty, but i bet it's really fun to dress alittle girl! they always have so much cute stuff for girls, but you really have to search for cute boy clothes! mabey i'll have me girl one day:)!!

  3. She looks so pretty in this dress! I can't wait to get back so I can see her again.

  4. She really looked exactly like a porcelain doll! I couldn't get over it! I'm so glad I got to see her on Saturday. Take care!

  5. She is soooo precious and I love the dress! It is so much fun having a little prissy girl. Isabelle loves to play dress up and play in my make-up, but she can be the biggest tom boy too.

    If you haven't heard of Tricia's Baby Station in Vestavia you should check it out. They have great prices on smocked dresses.
