Monday, March 31, 2008

Sleeping in her Bed!

Sorry I haven't been a good blogger lately, but I haven't done much & haven't taken many pictures. I go back to work a week from today & Katelyn will be starting daycare. I have been trying my hardest not to leave the house & to spend as much time these last few days with her because I know I won't get to be with her like this again. It has been really hard on me these last few weeks, I have had so much anxiety about putting her in daycare. I know it is a good daycare with a great reputation but it is still a daycare!! The hardest thing is knowing I am going to leave her with someone I have only met a few times. I know there are so many people that have to do the same thing & I am not the only one, but when it is your first time it is a lot harder than you expect it to ever be. I always thought I would the mother who was more than ready to go back to work when it was time, but I honestly don't want to be away from her, even when she pitches a fit that can last more than an hour! I think if I can make it through the first week or two I will be ok, but I know there will be a lot of tears on my part before I get there. I will post pictures of her first few days next week.

On a lighter note... Katelyn has been sleeping through the night for the last two weeks. I have had my fingers crossed the last two weeks hoping the it would last & it wasn't just a phase. We have also been putting her in crib, up until this point she has been in a bassinet by my side of the bed. I am so glad she decided to start sleeping all night before I had to go back to work. I was beginning to wonder if she was ever going to sleep through the night.
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  3. yeah, i'm so glad she is sleeping through the night! they tend to do better in their own beds too. i hope she keeps it up for you.

    i hate to hear you have to go back to work soon, but i know you both will be just fine. i'll be praying for you and that it is much easier than you expect. just remember you are only a phone call away!

  4. It will get easier on you every day, I promise. The first day that Trevor went, I know those poor ladies thought I was crazy calling about every hour checking on him. Just's so much harder on us than them! I'm glad she's sleeping through the're blessed!

  5. It is so hard to leave them, but eventually you see how much the teachers love them and how much they enjoy their friends as they get a little bigger. Brandon runs into daycare now and I barely get a kiss bye, but by the end of the day he is ready for mommy and daddy. I will be praying for you next week.

  6. I know we've talked about this, but everything will be fine. I know it stinks, but I think it will be good for both of you, it might just take a few days to realize it. I'l be thinking about you next week. I hope your having fun at Sips N Strokes.

  7. Girl, I feel you. I felt the same way. No one can take care of your baby better than you! But from my experience daycare has been great for us. You'll end up loving the daycare ladies. They kind of become an extended part of your family! They really do bond and love those babies. Good luck!
