Sunday, December 6, 2009

Oh No!



Look who found a sharpie! I have to write her name on everything for MDO & as soon as I put that sharpie down in her room I thought, (DON'T forget to put this up)! Of course I was in a hurry & completely forgot about it, luckily I caught her with it before it did too much damage! I don't know how she managed to get that dot perfectly centered, thank God it wasn't her eye.

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  1. I have to use them too for Ryleigh and I caught her right before she decided to draw on the wall with one..

  2. It really is crazy how they find markers and the first thing they do is write on themselves. I have a picture of Lucie sitting in the middle of about 10 markers with all the caps off and her entire face covered with marker. Luckily is was all washable.
