Monday, November 8, 2010



It seems like it has taken forever to finish all of my sewing projects. I made all of these pants for Katelyn & it took several weeks to finish, they normally don't take that long but considering Will would scream everytime I sat at my sewing machine I couldn't finish them. I finished their matching outfits last week & we were going to have family pictures made yesterday but it was too crowded at the location & changed our minds. Hopefully I will have pictures of them in those cute outfits, on Christmas cards this year!
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  1. Rach, they look sooooo good. You are so talented!! Love, love, love them!!

  2. So cute! I tell you what I know how hard it is to sew. I a have at least 6 things I want to do! And to answer your question earlier a lot/ if not all of my dresses are Monag and my shirts are Monag/BeeHave or Target.
