Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sick Again!



Poor baby, she has only been in this world a little over 4 months & is sick again. I'm sure it's something she picked up at daycare. I just hope this isn't going to be a monthly thing. We just went back for the "all clear" check up one week ago today from her last ear infection. She now has a cold & another ear infection, but luckily it is only in one ear this time. They also weighed her & she is now up to 16 lbs. 12 oz. exactly 10 lbs. more than the day we broght her home from the hospital, what a chunk! This time around it seems to have hit her fast, I hope she is better in a few days. You can't really tell she feels bad most of the time. She smiles all of the time & I can even get her to giggle a lot more now, she truly is a happy little girl!
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  1. poor baby! i hope she's feeling better soon!

    she is getting so big and her big blue eyes are beautiful!

  2. God love her...I HATE ear infections! Trevor has had his share of them. She is growing so fast, and is so beautiful!
