Thursday, January 15, 2009

I love Sadie!





Sadie has been inside the last few nights & Katelyn has enjoyed waking up & seeing her every morning. I have to block the living room off so Sadie won't lay on the rugs & so Katelyn will stay away from her. I still don't trust Sadie around her because she is so big & she is getting old & doesn't want to be bothered sometimes. I can tell Sadie likes Katelyn because she always wants to give her five, but I never let her get that close. She is also still pretty jealous of Katelyn because she barks at us if we give her too much attention. I hope she is around for a long time because she has been the best dog & I want Katie to enjoy her too.
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Here are some pictures of Katelyn walking across the living room too. She is so funny holding her arms up for balance. I can't believe I have a 1 year old & that she is walking.


  1. I am so excited!! I couldn't believe it! I like the fact that he can use it for a long time! I hope you guys are doing wewll! Katelyn is a doll and she is growing so fast!

  2. I love Sadie, too!!! Look at that big girl walking, Shee will be dancing soon........WHOO HOO!!!
