Thursday, January 22, 2009

My new hobby, I hope



I had my first sewing class today, I didn't take it in high school so I am an absolute beginner. These are the fabrics I picked out for the two outfits I will be making. The first one is for a bubble outfit that will be reversible & the second is for an A line dress. I can't wait to see the finished product, I just hope it is something that I will let her wear in public. Who knows maybe I can keep making her outfits instead of paying an arm & a leg for them. I am keeping my fingers crossed!!
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  1. Ok, so sewing is the new hobby! Maybe that's why I haven't talked to you lately, check your messages!!!! I have a sewing machine and haven't taken out of the box yet. Isn't that awful! I clean my cousins house and she is a sewer and is wanting me to let her show me how and I haven't found the time, but if you can do it so can I! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  2. i am beginning too.... just got my first pattern thursday and hope to start on an a line dress for ava tomorrow - good luck....

  3. Where are you taking sewing lessons? I'm dying to learn, especially with another baby on the way to dress!!! Send me a comment on my blog if you get a chance and let me know where you're taking classes and if you like it.
    Oh, by the way, Megan Beard may be calling you about doing some photographs of her little girl. I bragged on you and she saw some of the framed ones at my house and wanted your phone numbers. Thanks, Karen

  4. Thank you honey! I actually have some photo shop software that I downloaded to my computer, but haven't figured out how to do it yet. I would love for you to show me some tricks! Yes, that would be fine for you to drop her gift off there. Hopefully, Madelyn will be here soon! Hope ya'll are doing well!

  5. Well like the rest of your fan base, I too want to learn to sew. I can do basic stuff but my past experience with sewing was "Buy the outfits!!" It certainly didn't save a lot of money, but you do get more flexibility, and with having kids there will always be costumes and cute outfits in need! Let me know where you are taking lessons and if you like it....I have to get back on the bandwagon! (
