Sunday, January 27, 2008

Visiting Grandma Spencer

We took Katelyn to visit Brad's grandmother today, she was so excited to finally meet her great granddaughter. She kept saying she had the prettiest hands. She made the blanket that is under Katelyn & we had to get a picture of her holding Katelyn. It was so great to visit with her today, she tells the funniest stories & I love to listen to her tell us the way it was back when she was raising her kids. She told us today that she had to wash the cloth diapers in the creek by their house. I am very thankful to have disposable diapers!!


  1. AAAWWW! I know she enjoyed getting to see her great grandbaby. John Thomas will be the 13th great grandchild. I am also glad we don't have to go to the creek to clean diapers, thank God for disposable.

  2. Lol...Mae Maw is too funny with her old stories. I remember going over to her house when Amanda stayed with her during college. She is so sweet and I love that blanket she made Katie!
